Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sagittarius Astrology November 22 - December 21

Sagittarius () is the ninth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is considered a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It is also a fire signand one of the four mutable signs.[2] Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Individuals born when the sun was in this sign are considered Sagittarius individuals. Under the sidereal zodiac, which is considered more accurate than the tropical zodiac, the sun enters Sagittarius on December 17 to January 20. Under the tropical zodiac, it is there roughly from Sagittarius on November 22 and exits on December 21.


In Greek mythology, Sagittarius is identified as a centaur: half human, half horse. In some legends, the Centaur Chiron was the son of Philyra and Saturn, who said to have changed himself into a horse to escape his jealous wife, Rhea. Chiron was eventually immortalized in the constellation of Centaurus or in some versions, Sagittarius


Generally, they are considered to be compatible with the natives of the other fire signs: Ariesand Leo, and the natives of the air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Virgo and Pisces are signs of the other nature (feminine/introverted), but are considered semi-compatible with Sagittarius due to their having the same mutable quality.

There are many variables that determine compatibility in astrology, such as birth dates, birth months, personalities, birth years, position of a sign within the Sun, the Moon, Stars, planets, etc. The signs listed as compatible with Sagittarius do not reflect an individual profile or individual reading as interpreted within astrology, but rather reflect a general guideline and reference to compatibility as dictated by variables such as Qualities and Elements within the Zodiac. The branch in astrology dealing with interpersonal compatibilities is called Synastry.

Sagittarius Strength Keywords:

- Independence

Sagittarius Weakness Keywords:

- Unemotional

Sagittarius and Independence:

Independence is Sagittarius' principle, they crave adventure and excitement and welcome change with open arms. Sagittarius is the sign of the philosopher and the explorer, they will go as far as road will go and explore every corner thoroughly in their ever eternal search for wisdom. Freedom is so important to Sagittarius that they will actually make decisions based on the amount of freedom that is given by the choice they have made, as a result, sometimes a good opportunity is turned down because of it's high commitment need, but this is their choice so it is a good choice for them.

Sagittarius and Friendship:

Sagittarius make excellent friends because of their encouraging, positive nature and their kind heart that will do anything to make sure the friend is happy. They do not expect favors in return, their kindness is selfless. They do not interfere with other people's plans and they are never possessive or jealous. They treat others the way they want to be treated and life life based on a 'live and let live' policy, this makes them so agreeable. Sagittarius are excellent conversationalists with a good sense of humor, sometimes their humor is the raw truth, but these people speak their mind and don't hold anything back. What they say is what they mean, Sagittarius do not like mind games, it holds them back trying to figure out what is meant, they like straightforwardness and expect it in return. Sagittarius are known for saying the 'painful truth', but on the other hand, people know that they can trust what they say because they always say what is real. A Sagittarius never hides anything. Sagittarius are very likeable people. The only people that might not get along with them are people that live by a daily agenda with a highly structured, organized life. They are likely to always be running late and miss a date, but this is only because they are so forward thinking that they forget about the present. Tolerance is required, Sagittarius does not do these things on purpose, this is just who they are. If you understand this and accept this, having a Sagittarius in your life will make the sun shine a lot brighter.

Sagittarius and Business:

Sagittarius are born entertainers and conversationalists. They have no shortage of ideas due to their adventurous lifestyle and exciting life experiences. They make excellent storyteller, comedians, writers, philosophers and actors to name a few, basically Sagittarius are suited to anything as long as it does not tie them down with too much commitment. They like to make the world a better place and a career that will do that is well suited for Sagittarius, they do not however like the fine details and mundane day to day routine this bores them so they tend to procrastinate and let someone else deal with the details. They perform very well in business matters but they are at their best when it is crunch time. If now is the time for all or nothing, and there is a great deal at stake, they can get anything done. Crisis brings out the best in Sagittarius, they perform their best under pressure.

Sagittarius and Temperament:

Sagittarius are not emotional moody people, in fact they can be downright emotionally detached but they do get irritable when they are bored. Sagittarius is optimistic and positive, even deep inside because they believe that no matter what has happened, something good is always around the corner and the sun will always shine again.

Sagittarius Deep Inside:

Sagittarius is a well adjusted person with no emotional problems holding them back. They just want to explore the world and not fret about emotions and feelings. Others may be hurt by their lack of commitment but they don't care, that's not why they are on this planet, they are here to gain wisdom, learn and explore. Sagittarius has problems finishing some projects they started if it takes too long, they want immediate results and will move on to the next project if it takes too long. This is not because of laziness, Sagittarius are far from lazy but this motivation to move on is due to their hatred of boredom. Boredom is their fear and instead of facing it, they will up and leave in search of something more stimulating. Sagittarius are not emotional people but they are easily hurt by a careless selfish action, their will be blue but turn it around pretty quickly with their naturally sunny disposition. They don't dwell on hurt because it is a waste of their energy.

Sagittarius in a Nutshell:

Sagittarius seem to be guided by luck, good things happen to Sagittarius and this is usually because of their optimistic outlook and positive disposition which attracts good fortune. Despite hardships, Sagittarius is always optimistic that good things will happen tomorrow and the future carries good luck. Sagittarius have a vibrant, expansive personality that is free like a bird, Sagittarius cannot be contained. They are full of curiosity and they always look forward to the future, never dwelling on the past. Sagittarius are detached from emotions because emotions hold a person back, they do not like to talk about their feelings, they simply experience them and move on. Sagittarius can be reckless and irresponsible because they will jump at a suggestion of something new before they weigh the advantages and disadvantages.

Sagittarius Erogenous Zone:

The thighs are very sensitive, tickle the inner thigh or nibble lightly on the skin. Incorporate thigh stroking into foreplay and you will have ignited their fire.

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